Pulaar Version



E tuugnaadeko wonde keftingal horma kala neɗɗo e nder ɓesngu aadee e hakkeeji potɗi woni dnaɗɗuudi ndimaague potal e jam e nder aduna,

E tuugnaade wonde ko baasgol heftinde kam e calogol tottude hakkeeji aade ngaddi barondiral e salaare sanndolin nde e nder aduna e kadihuccande adunam mo aade heɓi yamiroore haalde e miijiaa de no henanorii ɗum yontii ete kadi yimɓe poti jeyde koye mumen ceerta e kulol e baasal sabu aadee yiɗde ɗ um,

E tuugnaade wonde ina teeŋti yo hakkeeji aadee ndeenire yamiroore laawɗinaande mbele aadee waasaa tonngeede e gullitaagol dowrowol so tawii fawaama kalfaandi kiisndi walla waawnere ɓ urtunde,

E tuugnaade ina teeŋti nde ɓamtatoo ɓiyngu yummaagu hakkunde leyɗeele dimɗ uɗe,

E tuugnaade e nanondiral leyɗeele caaktangal woondoore leyɗeele jowitiiɗe e hakkeeji gadani aadee bayɗi no ndimaagu, teddungal e nder potal rewɓe e worɓe. Leyɗeele ɗee koddirii e daranaade ɓamtaare renndo e ñiɓgol fannuji nguurndam moƴƴam,

E tuugnaade e wonde leyɗeele dentuɗe jeytiiɗe ɗee, e ballondiral e fedde leyɗeele dentuɗe jeyɗe koye mumen pellitii ñiiɓnude horma hakkeeji aade kam e ndimaagu,

E tuugnaade e ɓulngo renndaande ngam tafde hakkeeji aadee kam e ndimaagu, leyɗeele ɗee teeŋtinii nafoore ɓurtunde wonde e pellitgol, ko ndeen batu nguu nanondiri, holliti:

Ngal-ɗoo nanondiral winndere yan keewal jowitiingal e hakkeeji aadee wayi ko no laawol gootol ñii ngam yettaade leyɗeete mbele yimɓe ɓee e renndooji ɗii mbaɗa ɗum e hakkillaaji mum e kala sahaa kadi et e jannginde e nehde mbele ɓamtoo horma hakkeelleji aadee e ndimaagukuule ƴettaama mbele saree e nder leyɗeele, ciynugol ngol ina foti feeñde, teskee e yimɓ e fof.

Kuulal gadanal

Innama aadeeji fof poti, ndimɗidi e jibinannde to bannge hakkeeji. Eɓe ngoodi miijo e hakkilantaagal ete eɓe poti huufo ndirde e nder ɓ iynguyummaagu.

Kuulal 2

Gooto kala ina waawi hokkunde hoore mum hakkeeji e ndima guuji kaalaaɗi e nanondiralngal tawa alaa paltagol nguru, mbaydi, leñol, ɗemngal, diine, iwdi leydi walla renndo, dañal, jibinande walla kala ngonka.

E ko fawtii heen hay paltoor gooto woodataa e dow yowitaade e dawrugol, ñaawoore hakkunde leyɗeele fawaade e neɗɗo ummiiɗo leydi walla neɗɗo mo yowitaaki maa woni pawiɗo yamiroore laawɗinaande waawnde wonde fof.

Kuulal 3

Innama aadee kala ina jogii hakke wuurde, e hakke ndimmagu kam e hakke ndeenka e kisal hoore mum.

Kuulal 4

Hay neɗɗo gooto fotaani tonngaade e maccungaa gu maccungaagu e njeeygu aadee ko ko harminaa e no waawi si foraade fof.

Kuulal 5

Hay neɗɗo gooto fotaani leepteede walla fiyeede piyle jaltuɗe neɗɗaagu walla koynooje.

Kuulal 6

Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke annditireede neɗɗaagu mum e kaayitaaji ñaawaaɗi.

Kuulal 7

Yimɓe fof poti e laamu ete poti fotde ndeendka e yeeso laamu. Yimɓe fof ina poti fotndeende e reeneede e heedi heedi baawɗo yaɓɓude kule ngal nanondiral yimɓe fofina poti reeneede e tooñannge tawa alaa paltoor.

Kuulal 8

Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke wullitaade ñaawoore e leydi mum so tawii o gañaama, o tooñaama walla so hakkeeji makko njoolaama. ɗiin hakkeeji ina ngannde e laamu e ñaawooje.

Kuulal 9

Hay gooto fotaani nanngeede sokee walla yaltinee leydi tawa ko e dow mbaawka e belaaɗe.

Kuulal 10

Neɗɗo ina jogii hakke e heɗeede e nder potal e sahaa ñaawoore nde yowitaaki, nde waɗataa heedi-heeda (jinngataa). ñaawooɓe ɓenguurotaako poti ñaawde hakkeji fotdeeji neɗɗo fof ko takkaa haa heɓ ni ɗum ñaawore.

Kuulal 11

  1. Kala neɗɗo tuumaaɗo bonannde ina foti reweede haa ko fawaa e mum ko annde ina woodi walla alaa tawa ko ñaawoore laaɗinnaande nde suuɗaaka ñaawi e tawtingol ñaawoɓe luundiiɓe heedɓe bannge ñaaweteeɗo oo.
  2. Hay gooto fawetaake bonnannde walla war ngo tawa nde waɗatee ndee waawa wonde ko teeŋti e mum e yowitaade e laawol leydi walla laawol hakkunde leyɗeele. Ko noon ne hay gooto fawetaake sariya baɗɗo huunde tawa nde waɗetee ndee o jotondiraani heen.

Kuulal 12

Hay gooto yaɓɓetaake, tooñee e nder nguurndam mum, e nder ɓesngu mum e nder jotondiral mum walla neɗɗaagu mum lesɗinee, naange hay gooto e dowlugol mum potaani ñifeede. Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke reenaneede ɗee geɗe teeŋtinooji ndimaagumum.

Kuulal 13

  1. Neɗɗo ina jogii hakke yahde ɗo welaa fof e no weliraa fof kam suɓaade hoɗannde mum e nder leydi.
  2. Neɗɗo ina jogii hakke yaltude leydi kala hay so tawii ko ndi makko kam e artude e leydi mum.

Kuulal 14

  1. E sahaa kulol, neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke ƴeewde moolaare e dañde leydi moolndi ɗum e goɗɗe ɗee.
  2. Oo hakke noon waawaa fawaade e warde hoore doga ƴeewa moolɗo ɗum, o waawi fawaade tan ko e jamirooje fedde leyɗeele dentuɗe.

Kuulal 15

  1. Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke jeyeede e leydi, woni jogaade ngenndi.
  2. Hay gooto waawaa e dow belaaɗe haɗeede jogaade ngenndi walla waylude ngenn di.

Kuulal 16

  1. Caggal nde neɗɗo dañii duuɓi kelliƭuya so ko o debbo, so ko o gorko faltaa ki leñol, nguru, leydi ono jogi hakke resde maa reseede, o darna fooyre. Ko kamɓe poti heen hakkeeji jowitiiɗi e dewgal so ina humee walla so ina ittee (goorko e dewbo).
  2. Dewgal fawii ko e yiɗde resondireeɓo ɗiɗo ɓee wonaa ina fawee e waawnere.
  3. ɓesngo ko kam woni tergal gadanal e nder rendo ɓesngu inajogii hakke ndeenka immoraade e renndo kam e laamu leydi ndii.

Kuulal 17

  1. Kala neɗɗo walla dental yimɓ e ina jogii hakke e jeyal leydi.
  2. Hay gooto fotaani e amdu e waawde haɗeede jeyi mum.

Kuulal 18

Kala neɗɗo ina jogii hakke ndimaagu miijo, hakkilantaagal kam e diine. Oon hakke ina roondii ndimaagu waylude diine kam e ndimaagu tabitinde diine mum walla yi yannde mum kañum gooto walla e wondude e woɗɓe. Ngaal tabitinal diine noon ina nona ko ɗuuɗii e ko feeñi fof tawa ko rewneede e dow jaŋde, walla dewal walla jamirooje diina oo.

Kuulal 19

Neɗɗo ina jogii hakke e ndimaagu jogaade miijo e saaktude miijo mum ɗum firti ko joom mum fotaami hulde feeñninde miijo mum walla wiɗtude, heɓde kam e sarde miijooji e kabavuuji tawa woƴaaki keeri hakkunde leyɗeele e no sardaa fof.

Kuulal 20

  1. Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke e ndimaagu waɗde batu walla fedde nde wonaa fitina.
  2. Hay gooto fotaani waawneede jeyeede e fedde alay sago.

Kuulal 21

  1. Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke e jeyeede e terɗe gardiiɗe leydi mum. Tawa ko kañum e hoore mum walla tawa ko waabaade e ɓe yimɓe e cuɓii ina njooɗ añii leydi sabu joñeede geɗe mum.
  2. Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke ardineede walla joñeede geɗe/golle leydi e dow potal.
  3. Muuyaande leydi ndii ko ñiɓgol kalfaandi laamuuji ɗii. Ndiin kalfaandi ñiɓortoo tan sosde wooteeji cuɓoo suɓngo laaɓngo e leydi kala, tawa cuɓotoo ɗo kala ina tottee ndimaagu mum timmungu.

Kuulal 22

Neɗɗo kala e nder renndo ina jogii hakke e ndeen ka renndoyankeewo. ɗumko weltaare hakkeeji fagguduyankoj e renndoyan heeji e pina yankooji katojinaa ɗi e ndimaagu e ɓamtaare aade e dow tuugnaade e ngonka leydi fof.

Kuulal 23

  1. Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke liggaade e dow potal hujjiaaji liggeey e ndeenka baasgol gollaade.
  2. Yimɓe fof poti fotde njoɓdi so tawii ɓe potii liggeey.
  3. Kala liggiɗo ina jogii hakke njoɓ di fotndi heen, njondi mbaawndi jogaade mo kaŋko e ɓesngu makko mbele njogoo ngonka moƴƴa tedduka. Njoɓdi ina haani timminireede catiiɗe renndoyankooje.
  4. Neɗɗo kala liggotooɗo ina jogii laawol tafde fedde wullitaare hakkeji liggeey walla yantondirde fedde liggotooɓe mum e pedle goɗɗe liggotooɓe so tawi eɗe ndenndi ngoƴ aaji e anniya.

Kuulal 24

Neɗɗo kala ina jogi hakke e fooftere walla weltinde ɓernde num walla wooda ɗo haa'ɗni liggeey mum ete kala liggotooɗo ina jogii hakke e fooftere yoɓ eteende.

Kuulal 25

  1. Neɗɗ kala ino foti jogaade hakke nguurndam cemorɗam haa waawaa toppitaade cellal mum, ngonka mum eka ɓesngu mum haa teeŋti e nguura, koɗlci, safaara e geɗe renndo; omo jogii hakke e ndeenka so tawii o liggaaki, walla o sellaani ma walla o jodtaa de e doole mum, walla kes jooɗiiɗo, naywuɗo walla kala geɗe baasooje wallitde nguura ɗe pawaaki e bellanteeje.
  2. Jibinaaɗo debbo e sukaaku ina njogii hakke ballal e toppitaagol keeriiɗi. Sukaaɓe fof, woni a jibinaaɓe e nder dewgal walla caggal dewgal poti fotde to bannge ndeenka renndoyankeewo.

Kuulal 26

  1. Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke jaŋde jaŋde foti wonde ko nde alaa njoɓdi hay sinna ko to arwaniire e gadanal. Jaŋde sukaaɓe ina foti wonde alay sago. Jaŋde karallaagal ina foti huɓtidin'de: jaŋde toownde ina foti udditanaade moni kala taw alaa heedi-heeda, tawa ko e baawal mum.
  2. Jaŋde foti ko feertinde neɗɗankaagal, ɓeyda teddin'de hakkeeji innama Aadee, heɓde hoore mum. Ina foti waalitde paamondiral, muñundiral, cehilaagalhakkunde leyɗeele e kala senngooji leƴƴi walla diineeji, fawitii heen ɓamtaare golle dowlaaji dentuɗi ngam moƴƴere ina duumoo.
  3. Jibinaaɓe ina poti suɓaade hol fannu jaŋde ndokkata sukkaaɓe mumen.

Kuulal 27

  1. Neɗɗo kala ina waawi e sago mum jeyeede e ɓamtugol pinal rennde mum, huutoroo ñeeñe e wallitde ɓamtaare ganndaliyankeewal e kala ɓure jaltooje heen.
  2. Neɗɗo kala ina jogii hakke ndeenka muuyaaɗe mum to bannge neɗɗankaagal e jawɗi tuugniiɗe e ɓulgno ganndal, coñce, ñeeñal ɗe o tafi.

Kuulal 28

Neɗɗo kala ene foti daranaade ñiɓagol hakkeeji innama aadee kam e ndi maagu mum to bannge renndo e nder winndere mbele kuule kaalaaɗe ender ngalɗo nanondiral njetto faandaare toɗɗaande nde.

Kuulal 29

  1. Innama aadee ina jogii hujjaaji fayde e renndo ngo ngannduɗaako ɓamtaare huuɓtidinde neɗɗankaagal makko tan waawi wootde.
  2. E nder kuutorogol hakkeeji makko kam e naftorogol ndimaagu makko, moni kala fawaa e mum tan ko ɗooftogol sarɗiyeeji ngam teeŋtin'de keftingol e nehtanagol hakkeejie wodɓe ngam timminde neɗɗaŋ kaagalngam geɗe denndaande kam e ngonka moƴƴa kuuɓtidinɗo ngam dañje renndo potal.
  3. Ɗii hakkeeji e nguu ndimaagu mbaawa dañeede e dow luundaare paandaalee muuyaabe dowlaaji dentuɗi.

Kuulal 30

Hay kuulal gootal gummingal e ngal ɗo nanondiralfotaani jaggireede ummii ko e leydi, walla dental keeringal, walla neɗɗo keeriiɗo. Hay neɗɗo gooto, walla dental walla leydi potaani jogaade golle tawa faandaare mumen ko firtude hakkeejie e ndimaagu kalaaɗi e nder nanondiral ngal.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights



Total Speakers

Usage by Country
Officially Recognized Language: Gongola State/Nigeria. Home Speakers: Guinea, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Benin, Mauritania, Guinea Bissau, Gambia


It counts over 22 million speakers, including all varieties and is used as lingua franca in West Africa. It belongs to the West Atlantic family. The language is called Fulfulde by the native speakers, in English it is usually called Fulani, in French Peuhl. Other names are Ful/Fulan and Pulaar. There are nearly 2 million speakers in Senegal. Pulaar is primarily in the Senegal River Valley and Mauritania. Fulacunda, a variety, is in the Upper Casamance region. Fulbe Jeeri and Toucouleur are separate ethnic groups speaking a form of Fulfulde close to Fulacunda. Jeeri is a geographical region in which a large number of diverse lineages still follow a semi-nomadic life. There are 3 families subdivided into at least 20 lineages, each of which has some dialect differences; all are inherently intelligible.


To live in peace and harmony
